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Today's Minister: Apostle JOHNSON SULEMAN

About The Restoration Apostle

Callings and divine elections are purely products of predestination, which are conceived before the very foundation of the world and hatched into reality when the called discovers his Purpose.

Apostle Johnson Suleman was born in Benin, Nigeria – into a devout Muslim family. There were strange occurrences surrounding his birth and childhood. God started using him very early in life. At the age of seven (7), while in elementary school, God used him to restore sanity to a mentally challenged man who came into the school. While everyone was running away, he walked up to the man and held the man’s hand and told him to kneel down. When the man knelt down, he touched the man’s forehead and left. The following morning, the family of the man came to the school asking for the young Papa (as he was called from birth) as they announced that the mentally challenged man was restored to sanity. Papa ran away from school because he couldn’t explain what happened.

Though he followed his parents to the mosque, the young Johnson was reluctant and rebellious against Islam while loving and enjoying every discussion and gatherings about Jesus Christ. On June 20th 1994, he had a vision of the image of the Earth being given to him with Acts 10:38 written on it. The Bible verse talks about how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power; who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with him (the summary of the ministry mandate).

The ministry now exists in over fifty (50) nations worldwide. The Apostle by God’s Grace, is fulfilling the mandate given to him by God, which is to “wipe away tears, restore people to their destinies by the revelation of the Word, manifestation of power and reality of the Holy Spirit, putting an end to afflictions. The ministry is characterized by in-depth revelation of the Word of God, accurate prophecies and mind-blowing miracles under the Raw Power of the Holy Spirit. Blind people are receiving their sights; the deaf hear; the lame walk; the dumb speak; cancer healed; barrenness reversed; the dead raised back to life among other miracles in the ministry of God’s servant, Apostle Johnson Suleman.


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